「智慧經營」星予國際執行總監『于長君 混血管理』 最重基本功


星予國際執行總監于長君 混血管理 最重基本功


【記者葉卉軒報導】 15年前,台灣公關產業還在萌芽階段,年紀不到30歲的于長君(June)便在上海和台灣創辦了STARFiSH星予國際創意有限公司,儘管二年後因為結婚關係,將工作重心移回台灣,但有著獅子座大器開朗個性的于長君:「雖然在台灣,一樣可以做很國際化的事」。


「勇於創造與眾不同!」是于長君的職場座右銘,創業成為老闆後,這句話也一直是她經營管理的核心理念,從早期創業之初的北京崇文門城牆紅門畫廊Estee Lauder第一屆粉紅絲帶晚會,信義區盛大的in house跨年派對,以及今年元旦轟動台日的桌球明星福原愛與江宏傑大婚,還有近期由大陸企業家汪小菲在台投資的S Hotel,與一口氣請到華人圈最當紅11位藝人出席的新加坡時尚品牌 Charles & Keith 登台派對...。


曾經待過NINE WEST、Lancome等美商與法商公司,于長君笑稱自己的管理風格很台式,但也融合美式與法式。她會盯員工們的基本功,像是公關人最基本的新聞稿撰寫,以及與客戶、媒體的應對進退,談話禮儀。不過,同時她也給員工美式管理可以有話直說的空間,無論是創意想法的溝通,或是自身權益的爭取。此外,她的管理風格也很法式,重視並要求細節的一面。



于長君以此次操刀設計S Hotel的法國鬼才設計師Philippe Starck為例指出,Philippe Starck今年已經68歲了,但仍經常被重金禮聘跑全世界去做設計,問他工作幾年?答案是:「50年了」。

此外,由Bo Burlingham ( 鮑.柏林罕)所寫的《小,是我故意的:不擴張也成功14個故事 7種基因》一書,也對于長君有很深的影響。于長君指出,受到此書最大的啟發是,經營企業並不在於規模的大小,而在於是否能努力經營出自我的特色及風格。





不過,于長君始終深信,工作只是一時的,她帶著真誠與人互動,待客戶如朋友、如家人。而且她總是喜歡從每一個人身上去觀察、學習對方的優點。像是從汪小菲的身上,就讓于長君看到中國企業家的氣度與魄力,還有身價好幾百億的香港富豪紀曉波可以一手抱小孩,一手講電話,大器又從容,以及「功夫皇帝」李連杰的謙虛,國際巨星威爾史密斯的兒子傑登 .史密斯(Jaden Smith)的好家教,都令她印象深刻。


Smart Operations/ by June Yu

Integrated Management Emphasizes the Basics

15 years ago, as the Taiwan public relations was just starting, the then less than 30 year old June Yu, opened STARFiSH in Shanghai and Taiwan, then two years later she began focusing on the Taiwan market, but with her astrological sign of Leo type outgoing and gregarious personality, she said: "Even though I was in Taiwan, I still wanted to engage in internationalization".

Make a difference

"Make a difference!" is June Yu's workplace motto, and since becoming her own boss, this phrase has inspired her core operations management principles, from her early efforts in Beijing's Chongwenmen Red Gate Galleryand CityWalls for the first Estee Lauder Pink Ribbon Evening Gala, to a major Hsin-Yi District in house New Year's Party, to this year's New Year's celebration of the marriage of Japan and Taiwan table tennis starsAi Fukuharaand ChiangHung-Chieh, and the recent launch of mainland Chinese entrepreneur Xiaofei Wang's S Hotel, to the successful invitation of the most popular 11 Chinese celebrities for the party inauguration of Taiwan operations for Singapore's fashion brand Charles & Keith.

Each of these events have impressed the Chinese style community, and June Yu has continually revealed not only her and the company's outstanding operating capabilities, but also ensured that every partner client working in conjunction with them whether in boutique goods, style, cosmetics, banking, automobiles, and wine and spirits industry leaders, has synergistically helped engage in win-win learning from each other.

While having previously worked at NINE WEST and Lancome, and other American and French firms, June Yu nevertheless laughingly remarks that her own management style remains resiliently an essentially Taiwanese one, though with influences from American and French approaches. She takes care to ensure her employees capabilities, for example, public relations personnel must be able to prepare their press releases and successfully interact and engage with clients and the media, while also employing appropriate decorum. However, she also empowers her employees to enjoy American style management with space for frank and open comments and discussion, whether about innovative concepts, or seeking their own interests. She is also very French, emphasizing much attention to detail.

Do not dream about over night success

June Yu emphasizes that her most essential demand for employees is "honesty", because as soon as one has lied, then they must use additional lies to cover for their prevarication. Thus, in the industry with her reputation as the "Queen of PR", she most often shares with employees and youth about the need in the workplace to emphasize the practical results, and never dream of overnight success, or changing jobs every two or three years, because while in the short term you may not appreciate the difference, after reaching 30, 40 or 50 years old, the results will be appreciable indeed. "It is especially important not to emphasize short term benefits at the expense of long term gains", says June Yu.

June Yu noted that in her recent collaboration with the talented French designer Philippe Starck, who is now 68, remains a world class and highly desired designer sought out for projects worldwide, and when asked how long he had worked? The answer was: "50 years."

Also, Bo Burlingame's Small Giants:Companies That Choose to Be Great Insteadof Big, has had a major influence on June Yu. June noted that the greatest inspiration she took from the work was that operating a business is not about the size of the business, but whether you can assiduously endeavor to deliver your unique characteristics and style.

This is how her company, STARFiSH has continued to engage in innovation and creativity for diverse and international operations, earning widespread industry recognition, and being seen among her peers as an outstanding and leading firm in the field.

Enjoy sports for multiple benefits

Besides enjoying reading, June Yu also loves sports, earning her additional renown in the industry, for example through participation in marathons, horseback riding, MuayThai and boxing, none of which could best her. She remarked, sports can help distract one's attention and reduce stress, while also helping one feel happy, then when returning to work one is more steadied, and over her twenty years in business, she has found exercise to be the biggest key secret to maintaining her dedication and enthusiasm.

Also, exercise and sports ensure that June Yu enjoys more interpersonal engagement, allowing her to reduce any social distance with stakeholders and peers.

But, June Yu also deeply believes that work is only temporary, and this motivates the manner in which she engages sincerely with others, treating clients as friends and family. She enjoys gaining much from interactions with observing others, and learning from their strengths. For example, from Xiaofei Wang, June Yu learned about the attitude and attraction of Chinese entrepreneurs, or how the Hong Kong billionaire Xiaobo Ji can hold his child in one hand and talk on a smartphone in the other, both loud and calm, or the humble presence of the "King of the Martial Arts" Jet Li, or Will Smith's son, Jaden Smith, who has had a great character education at home, all of whom have left major impressions on June.

2017.6.23 A17 Economic Daily

Report by Kimi Yeh


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